"Forms Manager" members can search for forms using the Basic Search Filter available within each Form for Workspaces of type "Forms Manager" only..
1. Enter search criteria for the forms you wish to view.
2. Click on Search to retrieve required forms
The Search bar will collapse to display results.
Click on the
to expand the search filter
- users search criteria will be retained.
Fields available:
Select Form Type:
displays all active and inactive forms assigned to the Workspace that
each user has access to.
Form Status:
displays a fixed list of available Statuses
Closed - All
Closed - Approved
Closed Approved with Comments
Closed - Rejected
N/A - No Status
Overdue - Open
(Sorted Alphanumerically in ascending order)
displays all user names listed underneath each organisation
name (active and inactive).
Inactive Forms:
displays options to view some or all forms within the form type
Only Active Forms
All Forms
Only Inactive Forms
Q: I am not able to select any value other than "All" for “Originator Organisation” Search criteria
A: Only the users with “Can Access Audit Information” Workspace privilege will be able to select other options from this search criteria.
Useful Links: